miércoles, 8 de junio de 2011

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  • GCBy3000
    11-09 03:38 PM
    Courtesy notice will clearly say it is a courtesy notice. If you are sure it is H1b approval, then you have to leave the country and get it stamped before your current I94 expires.

    You cannot wait to get it stamped until you travel outside. Someone said so earlier, so I want to clarify that it is not correct.

    What you received by mail is a courtesy notification that your case is approved, with the space for I-94 is blank. The original H1 Approval notice with I-94 will be sent to the lawyer. You may wait for a week or two.

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  • waitingonlc
    02-13 03:50 PM
    Immigration plan looms in Congress
    By Michelle Mittelstadt
    The Dallas Morning News, February 12, 2006

    Washington -- As mid-term congressional elections draw closer, the window for action in Congress on a complex � and controversial � immigration package grows ever smaller.

    Mindful of that, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist has told Senate leaders that they must deliver a bill to the floor by March 27, an ambitious deadline for legislation that has yet to be written in committee.

    A bigger hurdle looms: Reconciling sure-to-be competing visions from the House and Senate.

    'Immigration is one of the most controversial issues in American society,' said Stephen Yale-Loehr, who teaches immigration law at Cornell University. 'We all like individual immigrants who live near us and work with us, but we don't like illegal immigration as a whole. And trying to put together a package that will accommodate everyone's interest is very tough, indeed.'

    The topic is fraught with economic, national security, social, diplomatic and political implications.

    Each year, hundreds of thousands of immigrants enter the U.S. illegally, swelling a population now estimated to exceed 11 million. The Southwest border is in crisis in places, overrun by illegal immigration and drug traffickers. There is also the threat that the porous border could serve as a gateway for terrorists. And the legal immigration system is beset by backlogs, problems and rules that vex employers and keep millions of people awaiting approval for green cards to join relatives already here.

    The test for Congress is what to emphasize: enforcement, immigration liberalization or some combination of the two?

    Choosing a direction

    The House took the first crack at the question, passing a stringent enforcement-only bill that would fence more than a third of the 1,952-mile Southwest border, increase fines for employers who hire illegal immigrants, and make it a crime (instead of a civil penalty) to be in the country illegally. The legislation was silent on President Bush's call for a guest worker program that would grant visas for up to six years to millions of undocumented workers.

    The debate now shifts to the Senate, which appears inclined to marry enhanced border security with a temporary worker program.

    But the Senate's solution, particularly if it includes a pathway to legal permanent residence, is sure to set up a collision with the House, where national security hawks have dominated the debate.

    'The big question becomes: Is it even possible for the two houses to reconcile their bills,' said Steven Camarota, research director for the Center for Immigration Studies, which favors reduced immigration. 'If it's not done by May, I can't see it getting done.'

    The divisions may be too pronounced for Congress to act this year, Mr. Yale-Loehr said.

    As the elections near, politicians will become increasingly skittish of taking up an issue that could anger Hispanic and conservative voters alike while also inflaming constituencies as diverse as big business and labor.

    In some ways, it's no surprise that politicians are lurching in radically different directions, with one faction pushing get-tough prescriptions such as ending automatic citizenship to those born here of illegal immigrant parents, while another camp presses to legalize illegal immigrants and permit a stream of newcomers.

    Public divided

    The public is deeply conflicted.

    Polls consistently show that Americans are troubled by illegal immigration and the federal government's failure to enforce the law. But those same polls also detect sympathy for illegal immigrants who work and pay taxes as they scrabble for a piece of the American dream.

    A new Time/SRBI poll offered one snapshot of the public's ambivalence. Though 63 percent of respondents described illegal immigration as a very serious or extremely serious problem and 57 percent endorsed taking 'whatever steps are necessary' to halt migrant crossings, 73 percent favored granting temporary work visas to illegal immigrants already here.

    So, how do policymakers thread the needle?

    'That's the $64 million question,' said Migration Policy Institute senior fellow Doris Meissner, who headed the Immigration and Naturalization Service during the Clinton administration.

    'We definitely have to do something, and sooner than later,' she said. 'But I think that it's really important that this issue and this debate develops and evolves, because if we were to go ahead and enact what's now been passed by the House, it would be a terrible disservice.'

    She, like others critical of the House's enforcement-only approach, contends that any immigration law rewrite must resolve the status of illegal immigrants and provide an outlet for future migrants drawn by jobs or the desire to be reunited with family.

    'Enforcement-only is not going to work,' said Angelo Amador, head of immigration policy for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

    The chamber is loosely allied with immigrant-rights groups, religious organizations, labor unions and others who have rallied around a plan by Sens. John McCain, R-Ariz., and Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., that tandems some tougher enforcement with a guest worker plan that would provide a path to legal permanent residence.

    But supporters of the House approach say enforcement must be dealt with first, both at the border and within the country, and by implementing a mandatory employer verification system to check the legal status of would-be hires.

    'A guest worker program would be an absolute disaster with our current enforcement because, of course, it wouldn't be a guest worker program if we can't make them go home,' said Rosemary Jenks, director of government relations for Numbers USA, a group seeking reduced immigration.

    Pollster Sergio Bendixen said that the policy debate has been skewed by the 'echo chamber' of radio talk shows and cable TV programs that fixate on immigration's negatives rather than looking at the whole picture.

    'It has become an emotional issue with emotional buzzwords, and there's very little rationality in the debate,' Mr. Bendixen said. 'Unfortunately, we are close to making it impossible on people who have to get elected' to deal with the issue.

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  • watzgc
    02-12 06:40 PM
    First of all, you cannot be out of status while I-485 is pending. Your H1 status is expired so technically you do not have H1 status anymore. However, if extension is approved, it will apply retroactively and make your H1 status current as of Feb 7th. Oh, forgot to mention that you can still work for 240 days after H1 is expired and it will not be counted as status violation.

    Hi , is the limit for 240 days only or TILL we get the approval ?. What do we need to after 240 days ?. Thanks.

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  • tikka
    05-25 10:22 AM
    Please send the Web Fax.
    It takes only a minute.

    Thank you


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  • siravi
    08-20 06:15 AM
    Unless, people realize that it is in their interest to spread this grass root effort it is all futile. Do you guys really think that distributing fliers by four guys at the parade is going to make a difference.
    Though I really commend what these guys did and they were truly heroes but if I were them, then based on the turn out (only 4 people) I would have decided to go back.
    After all, these were not doing only for themselves but for every one else too.

    What a pitty! :mad:

    Glad you did not turn back!
    Thank you for plugging on and setting a great example! Great job, Sanjeev, Raj, Murali and Kumar, Thank You !!

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  • kokil
    05-17 09:26 AM
    I have my H1 B extension approved for 1 year after 6 years time frame, based on approved I140. Now there is another start up company is giving me full time job. So they will ask for at least 3 years of extension. What are the chances that I will get 3 years extension based on existing I140?



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  • whoever
    07-20 01:59 PM
    hey, so you got h4 by just producing marriage affidavit and not marriage certificate?

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  • chanduv23
    03-28 12:42 PM
    If you filed it in January you should have a reciept document which should be a date before your old H1-B of 5th feb expires, if you have this you are not considered out of status.
    As someone sujested there may be a typo or the I-129 was filed incorrectly or these USCIS people did not really look into the case properly.

    Your lawyer can follow up with that reciept notice and H1-B approval and correct the error.

    Dont' Worry, you are safe. Yell at your lawyer if it is his mistake. These lawyers are so untrust worthy these days, they are becomming more money minded.

    Issues have happened with many of my friends.

    It is perfectly fine and no mistakes here.


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  • acecupid
    06-15 12:46 PM
    Birth certificate from Indian consulate is NOT acceptable as primary evidence. You can however submit it as secondary evidence. Primary evidence has to be the actual birth certificate. If that is not available or there are any differences, you should make 2 affidavits from parents or close relatives which basically confirms your actual name as in passport.

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  • pappu
    09-18 05:23 PM
    If any IV member works in the university, could you find out if there are any Indian and chineese assistant professors that have joined in the recent past. Such people might have applied in EB2 through university and will be retrogressed.

    Also pls get in touch with post-docs in your universities and inform them about IV. Hopefully some of them might be willing to help us with the interview.


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  • sbabunle
    05-06 01:03 PM
    No one can predict at this point of time. The optimism
    is thinning every day. So far nobody could come up
    with anything that is agreeable.

    Our best friend Sen. Sessions is trying his best
    to distroy any bill. Now he is trying to propose and
    implement a point based system. Who know when
    the point base system is ready for discussion he
    will propose a DNA based system....

    So my friend I'm scared to hope on immi
    sector. Good luck to you


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  • msyedy
    04-18 01:12 PM
    Look how desperate we have become, someone is ready to shell 10k per family member to get GC.

    I agree and disagree with you guys.

    I disagree because, we all are legal immigrants, we have to be given priority as the American economy needs people like us. H1-B not only means growth in tech but also economy. All the H1-B personnel spend a good amount of money here on (Rent, car, insurance, food, travel) with all this new jobs and much more will be benificial to this country.

    We should not be charged such amount to get what we deserve.

    On the other hand- I agree to pay 10k per familiy member because, we are stuck at one place with lots of problems without GC.
    Most of us are not sure whether they will be staying at one place to do an investments like buying a house. Wife cant work etc.

    Keeping all the above in mind even If we loose 10k per member we will make that in less then 6 months when compared to waiting for a GC for years.


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  • sai
    12-31 08:00 AM
    Did S.1932 say that we have to wait for I-140 approval to apply for I485 ?
    There was lot of discussion regarding this in immigrationportal.com S.1932 thread but I did not know the actual facts.

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  • krogot
    02-15 07:00 PM
    We're both from Russia, and a friend of mine got his GC in about of 1.5 years, he is from Russia too.

    My PERM process took about 10 month and my I-140 has not been filed yet, when you say "the expense of redoing PERM", how much it would cost the company?


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  • jettu77
    05-27 03:15 PM
    I would suggest that the letter be sent at the time of filing the second EB2 I 140. This is the way my attorney filed.

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  • desi3933
    02-26 01:20 PM
    http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/uscis/menuitem.5af9bb95919f35e66f614176543f6d1a/?vgnextoid=84096138f898d010VgnVCM10000048f3d6a1RCR D&vgnextchannel=2f719c7755cb9010VgnVCM10000045f3d6a1 ____


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  • dingudi
    03-05 12:03 PM
    Yep..not to worry..just go there on the date of appt..they'll just ask you to come back when the finger heals...I cut my finger...officer made a notation on my form and asked me to come when it heals..I went after a month and got it done

    DO they tell you to reschedule the appointment or just ask you to come with FP notice by doing walk-in after it heals. Also do they put a note in their system that you could not give the FP because of so and so reason. Also anyone knows what Boston ASC does , whether they permit walk-ins during the week.

    You said you went after a month, so I assume that they must have noted that you did appear for the FP but could not do it.

    Sorry if I am sounding a little desperate but I just want to get this over with the right way without any hassles.

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  • syendu1
    06-27 12:23 PM
    My attorney received an email notice of I-140 approval (PP) on Mon, June 25. But the online case status showed the application as pending. Finally,today my attorney called and was told that due to "system glitch ", approval notices were sent out in error!! It seems this has done to others too!!
    Did anyone else encounter this?

    I got my approval online but not yet received any notices!! This happened yesterday and my RD is Dec 2006. What is yours??

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  • indyanguy
    07-01 12:30 PM
    Bumping for help..Is my lawyer concern justified? I would like to know how and when does a new EB2 application affect a pending EB3 application. Would USCIS deny the EB3 application as it's not necessary anymore since I have a new EB2 job lined up?

    09-11 08:26 PM
    Has anyone recently used AP to enter the US from San Francisco, CA?

    I would appreciate if you can please share your experience and the documents you carried (showed) at the POE.


    01-17 09:22 PM

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